(to come a) cropper

(to come a) cropper
• to fail badly or fall foul of something / someone. eg "You'll come a cropper if you mess with me mate".

Londonisms dictionary. 2014.

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  • come a cropper — 1. To fall off your horse. * /John s horse stumbled, and John came a cropper./ 2. To fail. * /Mr. Brown did not have enough money to put into his business and it soon came a cropper./ Compare: RIDING FOR A FALL …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • come a cropper — 1. To fall off your horse. * /John s horse stumbled, and John came a cropper./ 2. To fail. * /Mr. Brown did not have enough money to put into his business and it soon came a cropper./ Compare: RIDING FOR A FALL …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • come a cropper — (UK) Someone whose actions or lifestyle will inevitably result in trouble is going to come a cropper …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • come a cropper — ► come a cropper informal 1) fall heavily. 2) suffer a defeat or disaster. Main Entry: ↑cropper …   English terms dictionary

  • come a cropper — verb a) To fall headlong from a horse. I should feel certain that I should come a cropper, but still Id try it. As you say, a fellow should try. b) To suffer some misfortune; to fail …   Wiktionary

  • come a cropper — (UK)    Someone whose actions or lifestyle will inevitably result in trouble is going to come a cropper.   (Dorking School Dictionary) …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • come a cropper — fail I think that he has come a cropper in the horse competition and that is why he is sad …   Idioms and examples

  • Come a cropper —   (UK)   Someone whose actions or lifestyle will inevitably result in trouble is going to come a cropper …   Dictionary of English idioms

  • come a cropper — phrasal 1. : to fall headlong 2. : to fail completely they ll come a cropper one of these days if they don t balance their budget …   Useful english dictionary

  • come\ a\ cropper — 1. To fall off your horse. John s horse stumbled, and John came a cropper. 2. To fail. Mr. Brown did not have enough money to put into his business and it soon came a cropper. Compare: riding for a fall …   Словарь американских идиом

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