
• has developed over the past few years and can be used in a number of ways. The first meaning is obviously 'bottom' and is the English (and original) version of the American 'ass'. The more recent way of using the word is as an exclamation of annoyance, i.e. when you do something clumsy or when things just don't go your way. Then you might simply say "Arse !". This almost definitely stems from UK TV productions like "The Fast Show" and "Father Ted". Another meaning would be to simply refer to someone as an 'arse' as an insult.

Londonisms dictionary. 2014.

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  • Arse — is an informal English term referring to the buttocks, which is commonly used in English speaking countries such as the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand, parts of Canada and former parts of the British Empire. In the United… …   Wikipedia

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